martes, 4 de marzo de 2014


Blazer second hand shop. Leggins Primark. T shirt. Zara (old) Trainers Adidas Bag Billabong
                           New pair of trainers and I could not resist to style them with nothing more simple than
      leggins and plain t-shirt. I bought this blazer some time ago and I add (sew) some nice buttons to make it diferent!!! Have a beautiful day !!!!  Thank you for your comments !!

The blue sky

Jacket Zara (old) Blouse Gap Jeans unkwon Boots (old) Miss KG Necklace Primark

                         I am so happy with my new pair of high waisted jeans they are perfect. It is been a long time since my last post, I am very sorry for that but I have been very busy recently and also lack of ideas to post, but here we go again. Hope you doing well !! 
 Big kiss